Toto Eco Pulper 1000 With Recirculation
It has an inbuilt water re-circulation system.
It has an inbuilt feature that ensures that no stones are allowed to enter the pulper.
The primary pulping unit is 1 disc type. A rigid type chop is fitted to cut down on maintenance.
The pregrader comprises a twin chamber tank with a wet grading progressive sized sieve mounted on an epileptic bearing to ensure the separation of the firsts and seconds/lights. The firsts fall into the first's tank, the lights into the light's tank and the skins are discharged at the rear of the machine. The pregrader produces a first grade of well pulped and uniform size parchment free from skins which results in making the final washing easier.
Various models have capacities of between 1000- 5000Kgs/hr of coffee cherry.
Highly durable with low maintenance costs
Saves on water since it has an inbuilt water re-circulation system
Has a pregrader for carrying out initial grading of coffee beans